Shared incantations: workshop

Shared incantations (foto Tessa Wiegerinck)

Shared incantations: workshop

Are you part of the queer community of Almere? Then literally make your voice heard during the workshop by SasaHara and Alex Olloman. Together they host the Shared Incantations. The workshop takes place in the exhibition, as part of SasaHara’s work Wishing Well.

Shared incantations (foto Tessa Wiegerinck)

The Wishing Well is an interactive sound sculpture that functions as an altar for queer people, an instrument of resistance and a vocal archive. Through an advanced computer program that uses, processes and, as it were, returns the voices of participants, participants learn to use their voice as an instrument of liberation and connect with each other through vocal playfulness. In this gentle vocal exploration, SasaHara and Alex invite us to heal the wounds of our erased queer ancestors.

The oeuvre of the North American queer composer Pauline Oliveros plays an important role during the workshop.


Ticket: €12.50 – only 15 places available so be quick!